Sunday, January 18, 2009


There are ten avatars of Vishnu (dashavatara) commonly considered as the most prominent

  1. Matsya,the fish.
  2. Kurma, the turtle
  3. Varaha, the boar
  4. Narsimha, the Man-Lion (Nara = man, simha =lion).
  5. Vamana, the preist.
  6. Parshurama, Rama with the axe, who appeared in the treta yuga
  7. Rama, Sri Ramachandra, the prince and king of ayodhya
  8. Balrama, Sri Balarama, The Elder Brother of Sri Krishna.
  9. Krishna(meaning 'dark coloured' or 'all attractive' or the Existence of Bliss,), appeared in the dwapra yuga along with his brother Balarama. Balarama is included as the eighth Dasavatara which list Krishna as the source of all avatars, svayam bhagwan (at this viewpoint is specific to bhagvata, Gaudiya, Vallabhacarya and Nimbarka sampradayas) , the thinker.
  10. Buddha,the thinker
  11. Kalki("Eternity", or "time", or "The Destroyer of foulness"), who is expected to appear at the end of kali yuga, the time period in which we currently exist.


rohit said...

to add to that..
it is sometimes not believed that balrama was the avatar of vishnu

the prophecy was for 10
but in some scriptures the no is believed to be 25..
21 already taken place..
lord buddha is also only considered to be an avatar

Anonymous said...

As far as I know Balram was avatar of Shesh Naag on which Lord Vishnu sleeps.