Since the release of this movie in us,i had heard a lot of appreciation about this movie...Usually whenever i watch a movie i am pretty what the movie would deliver...but this one took me by complete surprise..i expected it to be a boring biography of a wrestler..and god,how wrong i was...this movie straight away made it to the list of my all time favourite movies...
randy "ram"(rourke) is an aged wrestler who has had a glorious career which cost him a lot including a broken relationship with his daughter.At this age,its becoming more and more difficult to fight.So,he is looking for other alternatives.He is completely alone and struggling with his life.only person he can talk to is a strip dancer cassidy(marisa tomei) who herself is having a hard time raising her son....After a match,randy suffers major injuries and doctors inform him that fighting further could lead to his death due to heart failure...
Randy cancels all his fights and inform the agents that he is retiring,therby leaving a fight which was going to be 20 yr celebration of his career.
Randy decides to look for other jobs as well as his daughter to do away with his loneliness..After initial tiff,both manage to get back together and decide to have dinner together on coming saturday.As usual randy goes to meet Casssidy and asks her to to quit her job to come with him.But she refuses and tells him that he is just a customer for him.Following this,randy gets heavily drunk and could not make it for the dinner with his daughter.When he goes to her to apologize ,she asks him to leave and says that she will never see his face in her life..
Dejected randy calls his agents to tell them that he is ready for the fight...meanwhile,cassidy quits her job and tries to stop randy from fighting on the match day..Randy tells her that no one in this whole world gives a s*** about him..and his fans are his true family.He enters the ring and has a painful fight.The movie concludes as randy waves to the crowd and performs his famous ram jam....
The biggest thing which works in the favour of this movie is its climax which is supposedly one of the best movie climaxes i have ever seen.Rourke gives an impeccable performance and deserves an oscar.Marisa tomei is outstanding in her role.The only turn off is excessive nudity which could have been done without.But everything is overcome by fabulous performances and screenplay.Arofonsky proves his worth as a director once again after requeim for a dream and pi.....This movie is easily one of the top three movies of the year..
VERDICT:-> a must watch
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